
Saturday March 16th 2019

We have arrived back into the United States after a 6 week trip into Baja Mexico. Thankfully our southern neighbors made us very welcome. As you can see there is plenty of wall at the border of Calexico and Mexicali.

A little barbed wire for extra decoration.

Our campsite was very spacious and the views were smashing.

El Dorado Ranch covered a huge area. The swimming pools were spotless.

There were many different type of sites. Some people bought a lot and just attached a cover for their RV.

And some started to build a house and never finished it.

And others built pretty big spreads.

The Ranch almost went belly up in the recession. Many condos are just empty shells. These have windows but no walls.

The closest town of San Felipe was also was hit hard by the recession in the USA. Several hotels and condos that were being built for the visiting Americans and Canadians never got finished.

The desert was blooming nicely in our area when we first arrived

We tried some churros from a vendor at the local market. They were not as good as the ones in my memory from my time in Spain in 1974.

These cactus are sporting a nice hairy topknot.

We took a car trip down the Baja coast. There were many collapsed bridges and washed out roads from a hurricane a couple of years ago.

Sometimes we thought we had lost our way. This is definitely not roadworthy for the beast.

Finally after nearly 800 miles and three long days we arrived in Los Barriles. It was cocktail time several times over.

We had a couple of days pickle balling at the local resort.

We have never played on purple courts before.

Sharing the road is always interesting.

The highlight of the trip was a whale watching tour in Guerro Negro. These grey whales have travelled 7,000 miles from the Arctic down to Baja. The warm waters are home to mothers and babies during the winter.

The adults can reach lengths of 50 feet.

We were so happy that some of the mothers brought their babies up to the boat for us to pet.

Surprisingly their skin was rubbery soft, except for the barnacles that had attached themselves all over.

These huge mammals could have easily toppled the boat as they swam all around us. At one time we had a couple next to us and one under us. When you look over the side of the boat all you see is a whale body. Their massive size is awe inspiring, and their gentle nature which allowed us to stroke and scratch them was amazing. Thank you Grey Whales.

There has been a lot of Spring rain in southern California so we are hoping to check some good wildflower hikes.

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22 Responses to Mexico

  1. Maxine Davis says:

    Happy days! Thanks for sharing. Headed home in two weeks.

  2. dennisgun2015 says:

    Wow, what a amazing whale experience. Thanks for the R&D update! Safe travels, Gus & Georgia

    On Sat, Mar 16, 2019 at 7:22 AM THE BUS STOPS HERE wrote:

    > Rose and Dean’s Travels posted: ” Saturday March 16th 2019 We have arrived > back into the United States after a 6 week trip into Baja Mexico. > Thankfully our southern neighbors made us very welcome. As you can see > there is plenty of wall at the border of Calexico and Mexicali. A ” >

  3. pat clark says:

    YOu two, the perfect couple, in my eyes. You truly amaze me, with all your travels, and the adventures…..And by the way. LOOKING great, and happy…. Those whale pictures truly amazing, and what a treat to be able to be so close, and touching…….So enjoy all your “Bus Trips”…Thank you for sharing, Thank you. Since last time, I have moved from retirement home, to be living w/my grandson, whom I helped raise…It is only 1 mile from my last place. Too expensive, and hearing getting bad, plus voice, so much easier living, and feel I have more of a purpose for living. He is in a quiet place, 2 bedroom, units similar to duplexes….2 units connected…. w/deck, and new wooden, fences, just beside, so quiet, and private…I keep his hse up, and he is gone much of the time. Works from 2 pm- 10 pm…Has a good job, sleeps in a bit, so have a lot of alone. Miss the meals the most of all, but not the structured living….once in awhile the people… Hearing and the energy it took to try understanding, a daily chore… So I am happier here…He has 2 beautiful little girls, 4 and 6, who come each Sun, so nice to be able to have them close….He has lived w/me so much thro/out his 44 years, working out good…SOOO Thank you again for your beautiful pictures, and captions….Love it all. and you 2 people…. Hugs, and safe travels…. Pat ________________________________

    • So happy to hear from you sweet Pat. It sounds like you have got a nice setup with your grandson. He sure is a lucky guy to have a grandma like you. You have always been so free and independent so I could see the retirement home being rather stifling. Keep well dear friend.

  4. Ana Hagerty says:

    Thank you again for yet another wonderful adventure vicariously through you two❤️😘. Safe travels!😘



  5. John Morris says:

    Sounds awesome, keep travelling safe!!

  6. Gina Gluth says:

    Lovely photo’s Rose and Dean. We are safely back in the UK. Keep the photo’s coming, love you both xxxxGina & Eric

    • Thanks Gina. I bet you guys had a great time with your grand babies. Hope you’re not going too crazy over the Brexit. Dean has been keeping up with all the news on that. It keeps his mind off our own vexing countrywide issues. Me, I just keep my head firmly burrowed into lal la land.

  7. Melvin kirkwood says:

    Hey you two great travelers, love the journeys you share with us. You both look great. All the fresh air and sunshine helps I know. I hope you can find a time we can meet up this year in your travels. I’ve schedualed a new knee for my 70th birthday on the 17th and will celebrate by going home on my birthday ready for healing and rehab. I will call on your big day and discuss future plans for a possible get together in the near future.

    • Hey bionic man. You are gonna be setting off all the scanners at the airports. You will be putting us to shame with the NEW and IMPROVED Melvin. It would be great to get together some time. Chat sounds good in April.

  8. Maxine Davis says:

    Lowell wants to know if there were homes on the beach south of San Felipe. He thinks they are called Campos. —-20 or 30 miles.

  9. Madhu says:

    With your travel reporting you make so live and interesting.
    Waiting for next reporting as it is going to be of south California wild flowers.

  10. Georgia Gundersen says:

    The very last picture (my favorite), then Dean w/smile & whale, then you two w/cocktails…
    Thanks for the Rose & Dean pics & commentary, a treat to read & see, xoxo Georgia

  11. Donna & Tom says:

    oh great pictures, we really wanted to do whale watching when in Puerto Penasco however the weather and waters were not cooperating. Love all your stories, see you in a couple months

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