Southern California and Nevada

Friday April 11th, 2019

It had rained quite a bit over the winter in Southern California so I was anxious to check out the wildflower blooms. Anza-Borrego State Park was our first stop. The flowers were nice but rather patchy.

There were pops of purple and pink but most of the blooms had finished. We had planned on visiting some other areas but it seemed a gazillion other people had the same idea and traffic jams and crowds were horrid.

We did find a nice little slot canyon to explore.

It was time to move on to Indio. We had a really great visit with our good friends Deb and Bill.

They gave us a boat ride around their RV Park on the mile long canal. I thought the Guiness boat was cute.

Our campsite had some citrus trees. It was lovely being able to smell the orange blossoms and pick the fruit.

We had a quick trip to see Jay and check out his new place. This tree in his garden was loaded with lemons. Time for some lemonade.

Moving up northeast of Bakersfield we started to see some flowery goodness.

What a comfy bed of flowers.

The foothills were covered in pink and


We stopped in Las Vegas for a few days to get caught up on some shopping. Now this is what I call close quarters. The campground was in a convenient spot so we made do.

We have visited Las Vegas many time so didn’t bother with the glitz and glam thing of Casino city. However we never get tired of hiking in nature. Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area is just outside Las Vegas and is well known for rock climbing, bouldering and hiking.

We had a great hike up through a stream bed.

There was lots of clambering and Dean having to pull me up over huge boulders. I just love all the colors and striations in the rocks of this area.

The sky was blue, the rocks were red, the hike was lovely and we picked up a pizza for dinner. What a day!

Moving up to Utah and a whole lot more red rock.

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14 Responses to Southern California and Nevada

  1. Maxine Davis says:

    Lovely pictures. Thanks for sharing! If you go thru Fredonia, Az, please stop at the little museum. It is wonderful! And if you do stop please tell Dixon hi from Mollie. He knows every great place to hike on the whole Arizona strip! Have fun, hugs, max

    • Stopping in St. George for a bit and then Zion. After that heading north so will miss Fredonia but will certainly keep it in mind for the future. Will be in GP about the last week of Sept. Would love to catch up if you will be around at that time.

  2. Wonderful photos! 🌹

  3. Calleen says:

    Love all the pictures and your big smiles. Wonderful hikes and such great memories especially with the boys. Alaska will be beautiful. Your camping spot at camp Jordan is always open. Love you guys, Jon and Cjj

  4. Madhu says:

    Love your flower bed. Finally got the flowers view of Southern California. Thanks.
    Our lemon and orange trees were loaded at the sold house. We are missing them.

  5. Janell Wheelock says:

    Hello Rose and Dean, What a wonderful adventure you are having!  Kevin and I did buy the small Airstream and put into storage as we had our trip planned to Australia and New Zealand with Indiana friends.  Been two weeks in New Zealand visiting long time friends of mine.  Look up Amiria Grenell and her lovely music.  I was her nanny 34 years ago.  We enjoyed time with her and with her Mom and Dad.  Kevin got to fly fish in Gore in the very south of the South Island.  We are now back to Australia staying in Port Macquarie near my cousins.  We will be here for about 7 weeks.  We have interest in our house from someone currently renting on Shore Drive so maybe we will sell after all.  Difficult decision but you are our inspiration!  Write to us we hope!  Janell and Kevin

    • It sounds like you are having a fabulous time down under. We have done New Zealand but never got to Australia. I sure would love to visit there but it seems so huge to manage in one trip. Guess you just have to pick one area. How wonderful to have kept in contact with your friends from so long ago. Will keep our fingers crossed that your house sells for a nice big price. You have fixed it up so elegantly, just the view out of your front windows is worth a fortune. It sure is nice to be able to move south in the winter and north in the summer with a portable house. It would be great if we managed to latch up sometime this year. After Utah we are heading to Alaska for the summer then back to Southern California for the winter. Keep in touch in case something works out.

  6. Melvin kirkwood says:

    Dean,Rose, thanks for another adventure. It’s alwAys good to keep up with you guys. One day we will get together again. I shared the Hawaii trip with Monty and Kathy and Merlene and Ron. Every one loves the idea but needs to check on times and cost. We look forward to diving in to all the info we can gather on this adventure. We will be in touch.

  7. Robin says:

    Such beauty to behold in this place. Thank you for sharing. ❤️🧡💛

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